
Typically, Indica plants are short, bushy plants with wide leaves. Indica plants typically grow faster and have a higher yield than the sativa variety. Medicine produced from Indica plants have higher CBD and lower THC counts

Indica Plant

The broader leaves and shorter stature of an indica plant are due to their shorter flowering season. That flowering season can make them a more popular choice for growing, and a much easier choice for growing herbs in an area with a less hot climate. As one season turns to another, you’re far more likely to have an in-bloom  Indica than Sativa.

In addition, planting indica generally leads to greater yields than sativa.

Indica Effects

The lore of indica is that it is supposed to be ideal for night-time use. Indica is sold as having similar effects to a sedative, good for relaxation or trying to sleep. That effect on the body can also be of great help for pain relief and the relaxation element means it is often recommended for anxiety, important parts of the medical marijuana push.

What is it about certain strains of cannabis that can cause these reactions? The terpene myrcene, in addition to bringing an earthy aroma, may have sedating effects, according to a 2011 study. Another terpene that is common in strains that are advertised as an indica is linalool, which in addition to sedating is said to help relieve anxiety. These may be found more advertised as indica, but as more crossbreeding leads to hybrids, they can potentially be found in some sativa strains as well.

The major qualities of Indica medicinal strains include:

  • increased mental relaxation
  • muscle relaxation
  • decreases nausea
  • decreases acute pain
  • increases appetite
  • increases dopamine (a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers)
  • for night time use